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Maximize Your Success with a CRM: Are You Using Yours Right or At All?

Feb 06, 2023

The power of having a CRM solution in every industry cannot be overstated. It's imperative to note that the CRM we are talking about is a Customer Relationship Management Software, not a Client Management Software (unless you're Muela & Berkompas who have mastered both for our industry). With studies showing that businesses using an optimized CRM experience a 41% increase in sales and a 37% increase in customer retention, it's clear that this tool has a significant impact on revenue.

At our firm, we understand the importance of utilizing the right CRM solution for your goals and properly tailoring it to exceed them. That's why we work with our clients to build custom, highly-converting campaigns leveraging humanized automation in addition to offering specialized training on CRM hygiene and best practices.

Our team is system agnostic with experience implementing, systematizing, and optimizing a multitude of different CRMs. From Salesforce certified admins that code in Apex (though we prefer Javascript), to LeadSimple veterans; we have you covered. 

So, if you're a property manager looking to streamline your business, increase sales, and close more deals; you need to invest in a tailored CRM solution. With our assistance, you will maximize the potential of this effective tool, elevate your business, and ensure that RevUp will never face the disappointment of hearing that a CRM did not yield sufficient ROI ever again. Get in touch with us today to learn more here.

Author: Maya Madden

RevSales, RevOps, RevBranding & RevRecruting

Property Management Mastery

We believe in delivering unbiased, expert-backed recommendations that will help you achieve your goals and drive success for your property management company.