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The Blue Ocean of Outbound Prospecting by Ben Smith, National Sales Director at Rescover Apr 20, 2023

When I first started working as a vendor in the property management space, I was with a startup company. We had a novel concept that made a ton of sense for the industry. It tackled a problem for PMs that was near universal and provided a solution that seemed too good to be true. We experienced...

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Happy Birthday RevUp Mastery. Love, Your Faithful Founder. Apr 18, 2023

Today is RevUp Mastery's first birthday. Wow. I want to express my gratitude to God for His unyielding faithfulness, my family for how they raised me, my clients for believing my promises and my team for delivering beyond them. Starting a business completely bootstrapped after cozy...

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The Journey from 0 to 3000 Properties: Is It Difficult or a Matter of Letting Go? Apr 05, 2023

During my conversations with property managers, it's common for them to express disbelief and shock when I share our projections for their growth potential. Many simply can't imagine how it's possible to generate the numbers we see on a daily basis from our clients. I recently had a conversation...

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